A few years ago, a local members-only golf club here in Jackson, WY started having occasional movie screenings followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. This started because one of the members, a film producer specializing in documentaries, approached the club owners with the idea. It’s been a hit with the club’s patrons and last […]
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Pre-WWDC 2013 Mac Pro Rumor Roundup

There’s been surprisingly few detailed rumors about a new Mac Pro compared to Apple’s other products. Over the past few years there’s been speculation about a Mac Mini Pro or xMac, which is basically a beefy Mac Mini with a user-replaceable GPU and not much else. I would post a link, but there’s as many descriptions […]
Read More adobe, apple, creative cloud, mac, mac pro, new mac pro, nvidia, Premiere, rumors, wwdc, wwdc 2013Creative Cloud: A Look at Pricing

One of the things that lured me to Creative Cloud was the initial pricing: $30/mo for one year when upgrading from an existing Creative Suite product. So I jumped on it. My thought at the time, and I still think this, is that so many people will complain about the eventual $50/mo pricing, that Adobe will lower […]
Read More adobe, cc, cloud, creative cloud, creative suite, cs, cs6, subscriptionAdobe Creative Cloud Pros and Cons

A lot has been made recently of Adobe’s announcement that all their software will be switching to Creative Cloud subscriptions, abandoning the software-in-a-box model. Even Hitler has weighed in. I’ve been using Creative Cloud personally for over 6 months, and most of my clients have made the switch, so I thought I would throw my […]
Read More adobe, apple, cc, cloud, creative cloud, cs, cs5.5, cs6, subscriptionAds in Paid Content, an Unfortunate Trend

I recently purchased an iTunes season pass for Archer, one of the funniest shows currently on TV, and one of the only shows I’ll buy season passes for. I get most of my content from Netflix and Hulu, and I have no problem waiting a few months for some shows to become available. But I […]
Read More ads, apple, Apple tv, archer, fx, hulu, hulu plus, itunesWhy Do Aftermarket Car Stereos Have To Suck?

I recently bought a new (to me) Subaru. It still had the factory stereo and 6 disc in-dash changer. The previous owner was using a tape adapter to hook up his iPod. I don’t really listen to CDs much anymore. I’m about 98% iPhone, so this wasn’t going to work. It actually didn’t sound bad. […]
Read More alpine, apple, car stereos, clarion, factory stereo, gps, imprint, iphone, ipod, pandora, ugly